How to Crochet Classic Granny Squares

Making granny squares is a great crochet project for any skill level, and the design possibilities of these simple motifs are endless.

Granny squares are quick and fun to make. While it’s a classic crochet project that has been around for decades, don’t let the quirky name fool you. Using different colors, sizes, and configurations, the design possibilities of these simple motifs are endless! Making granny squares is a great crochet project for any skill level, including… read more

Basic Macramé Knots: Step by Step Guide

Interested in learning the basics of macramé? It's simpler than it looks! Here's an illustrated guide of the most common knots used in macramé.

Interested in learning the basics of macramé? It’s simpler than it looks! Here’s an illustrated guide of the most common knots used in macramé. Generally, when crafting the most common styles of knotted bracelets or necklaces, four cords are used (or two long cords folded in half, creating a loop at one end). The two middle cords, called… read more